narrated BY 1/2 man 1/2 bot.
bot or not?
The Many headed monster Gooyahbing had humans miserable in NETWORLD never being
able to rest and always expecting the next lock puzzle around every corner. You could not
ignore and you had to solve them to move on to the next step.
People were spinning 30 minutes at a site that they really wanted to sign up to and with a
community that they really wanted to interact
with to no avail. Because the Captcha lockbot mechanism would say they were putting in
the wrong code to solve the lock puzzle.
The site would kick them out and tell them they made too many accounts or they must be
a machine. The human didn't even make one
account let alone, many. Then the lock puzzles switched to asking what's 1+5= and which
one of these things is blue, green, red or which one
of these things is different?
Human's would begin to ask, Is this an IQ test or a machine test? It takes a machine to